2D floor plan of a single-story property without furnishings (only kitchen, bathroom, WC) with a maximum area of 250m2 and a number of rooms in the legend ranging from 4 to a maximum of 14. The plan includes a legend of rooms with dimensions.
2D floor plan of a single-story property furnished with furnishings (arranged either based on reality from photographs or according to our design) with a maximum area of 250m2 and a number of rooms in the legend ranging from 4 to a maximum of 14. The plan includes a legend of rooms with dimensions.
3D floor plan of a single-story property furnished with furnishings (arranged either based on reality from photographs or according to our design) with a maximum area of 250m2 and a number of rooms in the legend ranging from 4 to a maximum of 14. The plan includes a legend of rooms with dimensions.
It always involves editing one real photograph by adding virtual home staging according to our design concept. The design includes the appearance of the interior (furniture, electronics, furnishings, flowers, decorations, etc.).
It is a visualization of a single shot of an interior room furnished according to our design concept. (furniture, electronics, furnishings, flowers, decorations, etc.)
It is a visualization of a single shot of the exterior of a family house (including the adjacent garden) *in case of modeling a locality with multiple houses or a large apartment building, price upon request.